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PortfolioTK 1.10

PortfolioTK 1.10

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PortfolioTK Publisher's Description

PortfolioTK is a stock portfolio manager that provides both accurate quantitative statistics and advanced charting. It includes overall portfolio equity curve performance with risk analysis, trade log entry supporting partial position matching of both long and short trades, and a charting database with over 35+ technical indicators. Not only that but you can use PortfolioTK's reporting features to see how your portfolio has been performing against the major benchmark indices.

What's New in Version 1.10 of PortfolioTK

-Redesigned charting/research interface. +create, edit, and store securities in a local database. +Multi-threaded historical quote download built-in. +Quicker chart loading and switching. +Panning, zooming, and scrolling of chart. +Can specify chart periodicity (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). +Able to edit indicator parameters (right clicking the chart.

brings up a context menu to edit indicator params and remove). +Able to add more than two indicators (double click the. name of the indicator you would like to add to the chart). +Fundamentals tab browsing now much easier and cleaner. -New Preferences menu under the File menu. -Polished up the interface, as well as, rearranged main tabs to . reflect greater future emphasis on charting. -Slightly improved loading time. -Can now start the program without being connected to the internet. -Bug fixes in the new trade interface along with easier date entry. Also, sorting by date now works properly. -Able to export trade list to a comma separated .CSV file. -Manual has been updated to reflect new features. -New statistics in Monte Carlo simulator. +Probability of Profit/Loss. +Van Tharp's $ Expectancy Per Trade. +Van Tharp's $ Expectancy Per $ Invested. . Amibroker Users: To make the interface more intuitive, the Amibroker. Plugin is now disabled by default. If you are an Amibroker user, go. to File->Preferences menu and tick the Enable Amibroker Plugin.

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Business > Accounting & Billing Software
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